Detroit 9/17
Boston 9/18-20
DC 9/20-22
It’s always been there. That perversion inside you. You try to hide it, push it into the dark, but it consumes you. Maybe you’ve never spoken about your kinks. Maybe you have and were shamed for it. It is time to doff off your shame. Shed it like fresh skin. This is a safe space.
My first love is power.
It thrills me, fills my soul, brings more pleasure than orgasm. The moment you step into my space, the time is no longer yours. Your body no longer belongs to you, your will begins to bend to my whims, longing desperately to fulfill my every command.
My second love is kink.
I am a altruistic hedonist that loves to explore, to push boundaries and expand. My highest value is breadth of experience. Kink can be an instrument for growth, self discovery and healing; it can also be a vehicle for expression, surrender & play. When was the last time you were fully present? When was the last time you truly surrendered? Entrust yourself to me for deviance & sacrifice which will leave you feeling renewed & free.
I am based in NYC but travel often to DC, Boston, South Florida, London and Paris. If you live elsewhere I am happy to fly to you or meet you somewhere in between. For updates on travel, subscribe to my newsletter.